Dr. Anil Goud – Asian Dental Academy

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Dr. M. Anil Goud

Prosthodontist and Implantologist
Vice Principal: Nanded Rural Dental College Nanded,
Mentor for Digital Smile Designing ( USA ) for South India
Inventor of Single bur Magic preparation Technique

He is graduated from Govt. Dental College Aurangabad and Post Graduation (MDS) from Govt. Dental College Nagpur. He was the Founder of Asian Institute of advanced Dentistry and worked as Director for year 2012 to 2014. He worked as Associate professor at Kamineni Dental college. He is been recently been awarded as outstanding young personality award by junior chamber international Hyderabad.

Dr M Anil Goud

Prosthodontist & Implantologist Digital Smile Designing (USA) Specialist
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