About – Asian Dental Academy

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We deliver exclusive PPM-Model (Personalised Practical Mentorship) to clearly educate & train candidates/ trainees by providing an end to end opportunity to Address, Identify and Prepare dental patients of ADA and a chance to execute clinical treatments under -“Expert Supervision”.


We envision to enrich dentistry experience in common individuals and patients.


To enable dental professionals with modern dentistry approaches by enhancing their skills & practice approach.


To support and facilitate our trainees with all the necessary clinical training, practical exposure, modern dentistry updates (CDE), networking confluences, live online case discussions to uplift practise standards of our candidates to execute any kind of clinical procedures with utmost quality.


For the first time in Dentistry, we have decided to provide an open source Equipment Facility to all the enrolled members, helping them tackle huge investment challenges.


Learning is the key element at “ADA”. Our training modules are designed with a perfect blend of “Practical Training”, “Theoretical Sessions” & “Real Time Patient Handling Experience” within the course curriculum.


Our core team invests over 700 hrs to bring in the most successful industry experts to share their valuable insights. So now each of our ADA registered members will have the opportunity to meet the top dental influencers in the world.

Become a part of The Asian Dental Academy

Sophisticated Courses And Programs That Deliver Exceptional Value To Your Clinical Practices


In general almost every dental graduate or young dentist is given an opportunity to treat rural dental patients during their course curriculum.

However, is this practise sufficient for dentists to start their Independent Clinical Dentistry Practices?

We see a shift happening in modern dentistry, in how people look at their dental treatments and how clinical dentistry procedures are delivered. This shift has resulted in people becoming more aware of pain management, wellbeing and lifestyle treatments.

But even today, almost every dental case assigned in the academic curriculum (B.D.S) is still limited to only “Pain Management”. Therefore, we at ADA have designed specialty programs with 6 essential support factors embedded into the curriculum to add real value and catapult you into the league of modern dentistry practices.

The 6 Essential Support Factors to Encourage Dental Professionals to Adopt Modern Dentistry

Continuing Dental Education on Modern Dentistry

“Should add real value to the dental patients” is the right mindset for any dental practitioner or professional to continue adapting modern dentistry techniques in their day to day approaches.

For such passionate dental professionals, we have designed ADA Insights – a platform to share all the latest developments in modern clinical dentistry from procedures and treatments to instruments and so much more.

Infrastructure or Equipment support for establishing ICDP (Independent Clinical Dentistry Practices)

ADA support systems evolve parallelly along with dental practitioner’s needs, requirements and challenges.

One such support system is equipment out-sourcing/support. We have decided to outsource some of our advanced dental equipments to young practitioners to help them overcome investment challenges in the initial stages of clinic set-up.

Dentistry for Wellbeing and Lifestyle Treatments

Lifestyle and wellbeing treatment demands are rapidly increasing in modern dental markets. In today’s fast-paced era, almost all dental patients are looking at enhancing their smile, its appearance or modifying it’s entire look in terms of clinical dentistry.

In keeping with these needs, we have designed our curriculums to include all modern dentistry practices and techniques that go beyond mere pain management and instead address their lifestyle requirements.

Online Dental – Digital Engagement Forums

Apart from regular recorded theory based articles and audio visuals, we at ADA have taken a step forward to initiate dynamic networking among dental experts, practitioners, speakers & trainers by hosting live digital forums.

These live forums are aimed at knowledge sharing amongst the modern dentistry networks which helps fulfil our vision to enrich dentistry experience of common individuals & patients.

These live forums are aimed at sharing, networking and learning all modern dentistry standards to fulfill our vision – ‘To enrich dentistry experience in common individual & patients’.

Dental Externship Opportunities

ADA is the only academy to offer PPM by investing its major focus on providing righteous validation methods at every step of the treatment to help candidates to deliver utmost quality treatment within the specified industry standard framework.

RNR for Best Dental Practitioners, Trainers & Speakers

RNR – Rewards ‘N’ Recognition are often a hallmark approach to appreciate and encourage legendary works & establishments.

This is one of the crucial factors which has been taken for granted over the years. However, ADA believes in RNR as an opportunity to learn and understand right mindsets directly from some of the dental pioneers and experts.

If you are interested in adding real value; or wish to join the league of modern dentistry ; or want to enrich the dentistry experience of your patients.
Then you are encouraged to REGISTER with us!

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