Dr Lanka Mahesh – Asian Dental Academy

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Our Teacher

  • BDS, M.B.A
  • M.S (Implant Dentistry), UCLA, (USA)
  • M.S (Implant Dentistry,) Cufd (Thailand)
  • Diploma in Hospital Administration
  • Diploma in Health and Hospital Management
  • Fellow and Diplomate of International College Of Oral Implantologists (USA)
  • Fellow Of Indian Society Of Oral Implantologists
  • Fellow of Society of Industry Leaders (USA)
  • President Academy Of Oral Implantology
  • Executive Member Indian Dental Association
  • Board Member ICOI Advanced Credentialing Committee (USA)
  • Editor In Chief Of The International Journal Of Oral Implantology And Clinical Research
  • Editorial Board Member Journal Of Implants And Clinical Dentistry (USA)
  • Board Of Directors Of The Asian Oral Implant Academy (Tokyo)
  • Author Of Textbook Practical Guide To Implant Dentistry, Published By Quintessence

Dr Lanka Mahesh

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