National – Asian Dental Academy

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Dr Glenn Mascarenhas

Dr Glenn Mascarenhas

Professional Experience: Graduated from the Government Dental College and Hospital, Bombay (BDS) in 1979. Master of Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent) in Prosthodontics with distinction, from King's College London. Been in private practice since 1980, with emphasis on Implant logy, Prosthetic Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry. Master of Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent) in Prosthodontics with distinction, from King's College [...]
Dr. Anil Goud

Dr. Anil Goud

Dr. M. Anil Goud Prosthodontist and Implantologist Vice Principal: Nanded Rural Dental College Nanded, Mentor for Digital Smile Designing ( USA ) for South India Inventor of Single bur Magic preparation Technique He is graduated from Govt. Dental College Aurangabad and Post Graduation (MDS) from Govt. Dental College Nagpur. He was the Founder of Asian [...]
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