International – Asian Dental Academy

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Dr Glenn Mascarenhas

Dr Glenn Mascarenhas

Professional Experience: Graduated from the Government Dental College and Hospital, Bombay (BDS) in 1979. Master of Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent) in Prosthodontics with distinction, from King's College London. Been in private practice since 1980, with emphasis on Implant logy, Prosthetic Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry. Master of Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent) in Prosthodontics with distinction, from King's College [...]
Dr. Aldo Lucero Sánchez

Dr. Aldo Lucero Sánchez

     Professional Experience 1986 - 1988 - Dental technician and orthodontic technician. Alfredo Palacio de Córdoba Institute - Argentina. 1983 - 1988 - Dentist. National University of Cordoba. - Argentinian republic. Rating 8.64. 1990 - Bachelor of Dentistry and Collegiate at the Illustrious Official College of Dentists of Almería nº 1094. POSTGRADUATE TRAINING ADDRESS Academic Director of the [...]
Dr Lanka Mahesh

Dr Lanka Mahesh

BDS, M.B.A M.S (Implant Dentistry), UCLA, (USA) M.S (Implant Dentistry,) Cufd (Thailand) Diploma in Hospital Administration Diploma in Health and Hospital Management Fellow and Diplomate of International College Of Oral Implantologists (USA) Fellow Of Indian Society Of Oral Implantologists Fellow of Society of Industry Leaders (USA) President Academy Of Oral Implantology Executive Member Indian Dental [...]
Dr Harshwardhan Arya

Dr Harshwardhan Arya

1992 -1996  obtained his 'Bachelor of Dental Surgery' (BDS) degree in FIRST CLASS from Bombay University from Nair Hospital and Dental College, Mumbai India 2000 – 2003  Masters in Prosthetic dentistry from Government Dental College and Hospital, Nagpur f Dr. Harsh Arya (Dentist in India) is a well known National speaker in Cosmetic and Restorative [...]
Dr Ramy Razakulla

Dr Ramy Razakulla

1995-1999 Study of Dental Medicine ,Cairo University 1999 Bachelor Degree of Science, Faculty of Dental Medicine Cairo University 1999-2000 Internship in the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University and Ahmed Maher Hospital 2000 Egyptian Dental License 2001-2002 Medical service “Egyptian Armed forces” 2002-2004 Assistant Dentist at Maadi Dental Center, Egypt 2004-2013 Main operating [...]
Dr Roland Hille Germany

Dr Roland Hille Germany

Past president GBOI Master of Science (M.Sc) In Implantology and Dental Surgery Specialist Implantology Germany Diplomate ICOI Past- President Scientific Consensus conference  Implantology / Germany Faculty and Representative of Foreign Affairs  International Medical College / Germany Honorary Member German Association of Dental Implantology Master of Oral Medicine in Implantology ((MOM) Judicial forensic Implantology expert Scientific [...]
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